
Our mission at St Mary's is to share the life-changing love of Jesus, serving our whole community

Sharing Jesus and serving the local community

Within the local community we look to share the love of Jesus through our relationships, our words and through providing practical help and support. 


We support the North Oxfordshire Foodbank. This project is an initiative of churches working together in Kidlington, Woodstock, Charlbury and Chipping Norton offering short-term emergency help by providing parcels of non-perishable food to people in crisis who are unable to purchase food for themselves. These parcels include items such as, tins or packets of soup, bottled or tinned sauces, tins of meat, tins of vegetables, pasta, rice, etc.

Food bank vouchers are available from the Parish Rooms every Tuesday from 10:30am – 11:30am, and during this time we can also talk through other issues such as housing, debt, benefits etc. and help people to access the services that they need.

For more information about the Foodbank or if you want to help please contact the Church Office: office@stmaryscnorton.com.


The Nurture Room is a dedicated space in school designed so that the children feel safe enough to open up about their worries and talk through their emotions, but also have the freedom to express themselves through creative projects. Intended as a bridge between school and home, the room is bright and cosy, with sofas and teddies, as well as plenty of books, pictures and ornaments to inspire the imagination.

The heart of the Nurture Room lies in recognising that all behaviour is communication. Sessions run on a 1:1 or group basis and include news sharing, a story, a creative task and a snack. This format is intended to give the children an opportunity to build trusting and nurturing relationships, and learn skills that allow them to flourish in school, make friends and deal with life more confidentaly and calmly. 



A Drop In Session for Parents every Monday Morning 8.30-10am

In conversation with our Primary School it became increasingly apparent that there are a number of parents who are struggling with daily life.  We decided to set up a Parent “Drop in” on a Monday morning. Teachers signpost parents along, or they can just drop in.  Parents and carers can come, chat and be listened to over a coffee.  We can offer support with parenting, but also signpost and assist parents to access help with:

  • housing
  • debt
  • benefits
  • childcare
  • further education
  • helping children with homework

This is just part of our work to support the whole family and the school in their mission to “Develop the whole-child as created by God”.


At the end of the school year, we like to celebrate with the families we’ve been working with all year, and give a gift to the town, by providing a free summer festival on the recreation ground and a free holiday club.

We’re constantly aware of the goodness and generosity that God has given to us, and we like to pass that generosity on to everyone around us.



Every 20 minutes and 15 seconds, a home is repossessed in the UK. Financial struggles often leave people in our community feeling isolated, depressed and powerless to change the situation. 

At St. Mary’s we believe that nobody should be held hostage by poverty and debt. That’s why we’re partnering with CAP and the Chipping Norton Community Church to provide free debt help to local people.

Christians Against Poverty is a national charity that partners with local churches to provide free debt counselling, job clubs and money courses. Since 1996, it has helped thousands of people become debt free.

By calling 0800 328 0006 you can ask a Debt Coach from the Chipping Norton CAP Debt Centre to visit you in your own home.

Find out more here.


The Store is a storage facility that St. Mary’s set up to hold furniture for donating to families in need. We’ve helped families with fridges ovens, microwaves, bedding, kitchen items, bookshelves…

We’ve also sent teams to help local families with painting, DIY and refurbishing.


Sharing Jesus and serving the worldwide community

Further afield we look to share the love of Jesus by providing prayer, financial and practical support to others who share our vision. This may be those called to a specific ministry nationally or internationally or those living or working in their local communities.

St Mary’s is committed to supporting specific mission activities through our financial giving. Recognising that God blesses us more than we could ever imagine we have an annual gift day and these funds are directed towards other projects that provide opportunities to share the life-changing love of Jesus with others.

To read more about our Mission Partners, please click here.



What's happening soon?

Connect Café Tue 11th Feb The Branch, 16 Market Place More info
NO MINIS TODAY… Wed 12th Feb The Branch, 16 Market Place More info
ROYAL VISIT BY HRH the DUKE OF EDINBURGH Wed 12th Feb The Branch, 16 Market Place More info